view http_host.t @ 1974:b5036a0f9ae0

Tests: improved compatibility when using recent "openssl" app. Starting with OpenSSL 3.0, "openssl genrsa" generates encrypted keys in PKCS#8 format instead of previously used PKCS#1 format. Further, since OpenSSL 1.1.0 such keys are using PBKDF2 hmacWithSHA256. Such keys are not supported by old SSL libraries, notably by OpenSSL before 1.0.0 (OpenSSL 0.9.8 only supports hmacWithSHA1) and by BoringSSL before May 21, 2019 (support for hmacWithSHA256 was added in 302a4dee6c), and trying to load such keys into nginx compiled with an old SSL library results in "unsupported prf" errors. To facilitate testing with old SSL libraries, keys are now generated with "openssl genrsa -traditional" if the flag is available.
author Maxim Dounin <>
date Mon, 06 May 2024 00:04:26 +0300
parents 2a0a6035a1af
line wrap: on
line source


# (C) Maxim Dounin
# (C) Valentin Bartenev

# Tests for host parsing in requests.


use warnings;
use strict;

use Test::More;

BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }

use lib 'lib';
use Test::Nginx qw/ :DEFAULT http_content /;


select STDERR; $| = 1;
select STDOUT; $| = 1;

my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/http rewrite/)->plan(37);

$t->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');


daemon off;

events {

http {

    server {
        server_name  localhost;

        location / {
            return  200  $host;




is(http_host_header(''), '',
	'domain w/o port (host header)');
is(http_host_header('' . port(8080)), '',
	'domain w/port (host header)');

is(http_absolute_path(''), '',
	'domain w/o port (absolute request)');
is(http_absolute_path(''), '',
	'domain w/port (absolute request)');

is(http_host_header(''), '',
	'domain w/ ending dot w/o port (host header)');

is(http_host_header(''), '',
	'domain w/ ending dot w/port (host header)');

is(http_absolute_path(''), '',
	'domain w/ ending dot w/o port (absolute request)');
is(http_absolute_path(''), '',
	'domain w/ ending dot w/port (absolute request)');

is(http_absolute_path('AbC-d93.0.34ZhGt-s.nk.Ru'), '',
	'mixed case domain w/o port (absolute request)');
is(http_host_header('AbC-d93.0.34ZhGt-s.nk.Ru:88'), '',
	'mixed case domain w/port (host header)');

is(http_host_header(''), '',
	'ipv4 w/o port (host header)');
is(http_host_header(''), '',
	'ipv4 w/port (host header)');

is(http_absolute_path(''), '',
	'ipv4 w/o port (absolute request)');
is(http_absolute_path(''), '',
	'ipv4 w/port (absolute request)');

is(http_host_header('[abcd::ef98:0:7654:321]'), '[abcd::ef98:0:7654:321]',
	'ipv6 literal w/o port (host header)');
is(http_host_header('[abcd::ef98:0:7654:321]:80'), '[abcd::ef98:0:7654:321]',
	'ipv6 literal w/port (host header)');

is(http_absolute_path('[abcd::ef98:0:7654:321]'), '[abcd::ef98:0:7654:321]',
	'ipv6 literal w/o port (absolute request)');
is(http_absolute_path('[abcd::ef98:0:7654:321]:5'), '[abcd::ef98:0:7654:321]',
	'ipv6 literal w/port (absolute request)');

is(http_host_header('[::ffff:]'), '[::ffff:]',
	'ipv4-mapped ipv6 w/o port (host header)');
is(http_host_header('[::]:4321'), '[::]',
	'ipv4-mapped ipv6 w/port (host header)');

is(http_absolute_path('[::]'), '[::]',
	'ipv4-mapped ipv6 w/o port (absolute request)');
is(http_absolute_path('[::ffff:]:4321'), '[::ffff:]',
	'ipv4-mapped ipv6 w/port (absolute request)');

like(http_host_header('\:552', 1), qr/ 400 /,
	'domain w/ path separators (host header)');
like(http_absolute_path('\e/', 1), qr/ 400 /,
	'domain w/ path separators (absolute request)');

like(http_host_header('', 1), qr/ 400 /,
	'domain w/ double dot (host header)');
like(http_absolute_path('com.exa-m.45..:', 1), qr/ 400 /,
	'domain w/ double dot (absolute request)');

like(http_host_header('[abcd::e\f98:0/:7654:321]', 1), qr/ 400 /,
	'ipv6 literal w/ path separators (host header)');
like(http_absolute_path('[abcd\::ef98:0:7654:321/]:12', 1), qr/ 400 /,
	'ipv6 literal w/ path separators (absolute request)');

like(http_host_header('[abcd::ef98:0:7654:321]..:98', 1), qr/ 400 /,
	'ipv6 literal w/ double dot (host header)');
like(http_absolute_path('[]', 1), qr/ 400 /,
	'ipv6 literal w/ double dot (absolute request)');

like(http_host_header('[abcd::ef98:0:7654:321]..:98', 1), qr/ 400 /,
	'ipv6 literal w/ double dot (host header)');
like(http_absolute_path('[]', 1), qr/ 400 /,
	'ipv6 literal w/ double dot (absolute request)');

# As per RFC 3986,
# IP-literal    = "[" ( IPv6address / IPvFuture  ) "]"
# IPvFuture     = "v" 1*HEXDIG "." 1*( unreserved / sub-delims / ":" )
# sub-delims    = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")"
#               / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="
# unreserved    = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"

	. '0123456789:]'),
	. '0123456789:]',
	'IPvFuture all symbols (host header)');

	. '0123456789:]'),
	. '0123456789:]',
	'IPvFuture all symbols (absolute request)');

is(http_host_header(''), '',
	'double port hack');

like(http_host_header("localhost\nHost: again", 1), qr/ 400 /, 'host repeat');
like(http_host_header("localhost\x02", 1), qr/ 400 /, 'control');


sub http_host_header {
	my ($host, $all) = @_;
	my ($r) = http(<<EOF);
GET / HTTP/1.0
Host: $host

	return ($all ? $r : http_content($r));

sub http_absolute_path {
	my ($host, $all) = @_;
	my ($r) = http(<<EOF);
GET http://$host/ HTTP/1.0
Host: localhost

	return ($all ? $r : http_content($r));
