view autoindex.t @ 1960:e44ee916b959

Tests: adjusted http_headers_multi.t for $content_length changes. The $content_length variable is going to be not available after discarding the request body. As such, the relevant location is now proxied, so the request body is not discarded.
author Maxim Dounin <>
date Sat, 27 Apr 2024 18:55:21 +0300
parents 882267679006
line wrap: on
line source


# (C) Maxim Dounin

# Tests for autoindex module.


use warnings;
use strict;

use Test::More;

BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }

use lib 'lib';
use Test::Nginx;


select STDERR; $| = 1;
select STDOUT; $| = 1;

my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/http autoindex charset symlink/)->plan(16)
	->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');


daemon off;

events {

http {

    server {
        server_name  localhost;

        location / {
            autoindex on;
        location /utf8/ {
            autoindex on;
            charset utf-8;


my $d = $t->testdir();

symlink("$d/test-dir", "$d/test-dir-link");

$t->write_file('test-file', '');
symlink("$d/test-file", "$d/test-file-link");

$t->write_file('test-colon:blah', '');
$t->write_file('test-long-' . ('0' x 50), '');
$t->write_file('test-long-' . ('>' x 50), '');
$t->write_file('test-escape-url-%', '');
$t->write_file('test-escape-url2-?', '');
$t->write_file('test-escape-html-<>&', '');

mkdir($d . '/utf8');
$t->write_file('utf8/test-utf8-' . ("\xd1\x84" x 3), '');
$t->write_file('utf8/test-utf8-' . ("\xd1\x84" x 45), '');
$t->write_file('utf8/test-utf8-<>&-' . "\xd1\x84", '');
$t->write_file('utf8/test-utf8-<>&-' . ("\xd1\x84" x 45), '');
$t->write_file('utf8/test-utf8-' . ("\xd1\x84" x 3) . '-' . ('>' x 45), '');

mkdir($d . '/test-dir-escape-<>&');



my $r = http_get('/');

like($r, qr!href="test-file"!ms, 'file');
like($r, qr!href="test-file-link"!ms, 'symlink to file');
like($r, qr!href="test-dir/"!ms, 'directory');
like($r, qr!href="test-dir-link/"!ms, 'symlink to directory');

unlike($r, qr!href="test-colon:blah"!ms, 'colon not scheme');
like($r, qr!test-long-0{37}\.\.&gt;!ms, 'long name');

like($r, qr!href="test-escape-url-%25"!ms, 'escaped url');
like($r, qr!href="test-escape-url2-%3f"!msi, 'escaped ? in url');
like($r, qr!test-escape-html-&lt;&gt;&amp;!ms, 'escaped html');
like($r, qr!test-long-(&gt;){37}\.\.&gt;!ms, 'long escaped html');

$r = http_get('/utf8/');

like($r, qr!test-utf8-(\xd1\x84){3}</a>!ms, 'utf8');
like($r, qr!test-utf8-(\xd1\x84){37}\.\.!ms, 'utf8 long');

like($r, qr!test-utf8-&lt;&gt;&amp;-\xd1\x84</a>!ms, 'utf8 escaped');
like($r, qr!test-utf8-&lt;&gt;&amp;-(\xd1\x84){33}\.\.!ms,
	'utf8 escaped long');
like($r, qr!test-utf8-(\xd1\x84){3}-(&gt;){33}\.\.!ms, 'utf8 long escaped');

like(http_get('/test-dir-escape-<>&/'), qr!test-dir-escape-&lt;&gt;&amp;!ms,
	'escaped title');
