view h2_fastcgi_request_buffering.t @ 1994:e9235c647f45

Tests: better binary path handling on Windows. The ".exe" extension is no longer required, and testing is allowed if it is omitted. Additionally, forward slashes in the binary path are automatically replaced with reverse slashes, since CMD cannot properly handle relative paths with forward slashes, and such paths previously resulted in various issues, including non-working $t->has() and $t->has_version(). In particular, with these changes the default binary path, which is "../nginx/objs/nginx", works properly, and testing can be done without any additional options.
author Maxim Dounin <>
date Fri, 09 Aug 2024 05:18:51 +0300
parents 11463d379570
line wrap: on
line source


# (C) Sergey Kandaurov
# (C) Nginx, Inc.

# Tests for HTTP/2 protocol with unbuffered request body and fastcgi backend.


use warnings;
use strict;

use Test::More;

BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }

use lib 'lib';
use Test::Nginx;
use Test::Nginx::HTTP2;


select STDERR; $| = 1;
select STDOUT; $| = 1;

my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/http http_v2 fastcgi/)->plan(48);

$t->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');


daemon off;

events {

http {

    server {
        server_name  localhost;

        http2 on;

        location / {
            fastcgi_request_buffering off;
            fastcgi_param REQUEST_URI $request_uri;
            client_body_buffer_size 1k;




# unbuffered request body to fastcgi

my $f = get_body('/');
ok($f->{headers}, 'request');
is($f->{upload}('01234', body_more => 1), '01234', 'part');
is($f->{upload}('56789'), '56789_eos', 'part 2');
is($f->{http_end}(), 200, 'response');

$f = get_body('/');
ok($f->{headers}, 'buffer');
is($f->{upload}('0123' x 128, body_more => 1), '0123' x 128, 'buffer - below');
is($f->{upload}('4567' x 128, body_more => 1), '4567' x 128, 'buffer - equal');
is($f->{upload}('89AB' x 128), '89AB' x 128 . '_eos', 'buffer - above');
is($f->{http_end}(), 200, 'buffer - response');

$f = get_body('/');
ok($f->{headers}, 'many');
is($f->{upload}('01234many', body_split => [ 5 ], body_more => 1),
	'01234many', 'many - part');
is($f->{upload}('56789many', body_split => [ 5 ]),
	'56789many_eos', 'many - part 2');
is($f->{http_end}(), 200, 'many - response');

$f = get_body('/');
ok($f->{headers}, 'empty');
is($f->{upload}('', body_more => 1, wait => 0.2), '', 'empty - part');
is($f->{upload}(''), '_eos', 'empty - part 2');
is($f->{http_end}(), 200, 'empty - response');

$f = get_body('/');
ok($f->{headers}, 'split');
is($f->{upload}('0123456789', split => [ 14 ]), '0123456789_eos',
	'split - part');
is($f->{http_end}(), 200, 'split - response');

# unbuffered request body to fastcgi, content-length

$f = get_body('/', 'content-length' => 10);
ok($f->{headers}, 'cl');

is($f->{upload}('01234', body_more => 1), '01234', 'cl - part');
is($f->{upload}('56789'), '56789_eos', 'cl - part 2');
is($f->{http_end}(), 200, 'cl - response');

$f = get_body('/', 'content-length' => 1536);
ok($f->{headers}, 'cl buffer');
is($f->{upload}('0123' x 128, body_more => 1), '0123' x 128,
	'cl buffer - below');
is($f->{upload}('4567' x 128, body_more => 1), '4567' x 128,
	'cl buffer - equal');
is($f->{upload}('89AB' x 128), '89AB' x 128 . '_eos', 'cl buffer - above');
is($f->{http_end}(), 200, 'cl buffer - response');

$f = get_body('/', 'content-length' => 10);
ok($f->{headers}, 'cl much');
is($f->{upload}('0123456789', body_more => 1), '0123456789', 'cl much - part');
is($f->{upload}('many'), '', 'cl much - part 2');
is($f->{http_end}(), 400, 'cl much - response');

$f = get_body('/', 'content-length' => 10);
ok($f->{headers}, 'cl less');
is($f->{upload}('0123', body_more => 1), '0123', 'cl less - part');
is($f->{upload}('56789'), '', 'cl less - part 2');
is($f->{http_end}(), 400, 'cl less - response');

$f = get_body('/', 'content-length' => 18);
ok($f->{headers}, 'cl many');
is($f->{upload}('01234many', body_split => [ 5 ], body_more => 1),
	'01234many', 'cl many - part');
is($f->{upload}('56789many', body_split => [ 5 ]), '56789many_eos',
	'cl many - part 2');
is($f->{http_end}(), 200, 'cl many - response');

$f = get_body('/', 'content-length' => 0);
ok($f->{headers}, 'cl empty');
is($f->{upload}('', body_more => 1, wait => 0.2), '', 'cl empty - part');
is($f->{upload}(''), '_eos', 'cl empty - part 2');
is($f->{http_end}(), 200, 'cl empty - response');

$f = get_body('/', 'content-length' => 10);
ok($f->{headers}, 'cl split');
is($f->{upload}('0123456789', split => [ 14 ]), '0123456789_eos', 'cl split');
is($f->{http_end}(), 200, 'cl split - response');


# Simple FastCGI responder implementation.


sub fastcgi_read_record($) {
	my ($buf) = @_;
	my $h;

	return undef unless length $$buf;

	@{$h}{qw/ version type id clen plen /} = unpack("CCnnC", $$buf);

	$h->{content} = substr $$buf, 8, $h->{clen};
	$h->{padding} = substr $$buf, 8 + $h->{clen}, $h->{plen};

	$$buf = substr $$buf, 8 + $h->{clen} + $h->{plen};

	return $h;

sub fastcgi_respond($$$$) {
	my ($socket, $version, $id, $body) = @_;

	# stdout
	$socket->write(pack("CCnnCx", $version, 6, $id, length($body), 0));

	# close stdout
	$socket->write(pack("CCnnCx", $version, 6, $id, 0, 0));

	# end request
	$socket->write(pack("CCnnCx", $version, 3, $id, 8, 0));
	$socket->write(pack("NCxxx", 0, 0));

sub get_body {
	my ($url, %extra) = @_;
	my ($server, $client, $f);

	$server = IO::Socket::INET->new(
		Proto => 'tcp',
		LocalHost => '',
		LocalPort => port(8081),
		Listen => 5,
		Timeout => 3,
		Reuse => 1
		or die "Can't create listening socket: $!\n";

	my $s = Test::Nginx::HTTP2->new();
	my $sid = exists $extra{'content-length'}
		? $s->new_stream({ headers => [
			{ name => ':method', value => 'GET' },
			{ name => ':scheme', value => 'http' },
			{ name => ':path', value => $url, },
			{ name => ':authority', value => 'localhost' },
			{ name => 'content-length',
				value => $extra{'content-length'} }],
			body_more => 1 })
		: $s->new_stream({ path => $url, body_more => 1 });

	$client = $server->accept() or return;

	log2c("(new connection $client)");

	$f->{headers} = backend_read($client);

	my $h = fastcgi_read_record(\$f->{headers});
	my $version = $h->{version};
	my $id = $h->{id};

	$f->{upload} = sub {
		my ($body, %extra) = @_;
		my $len = length($body);
		my $wait = $extra{wait};

		$s->h2_body($body, { %extra });

		$body = '';

		for (1 .. 10) {
			my $buf = backend_read($client, $wait) or return '';

			while (my $h = fastcgi_read_record(\$buf)) {

				# skip everything unless stdin
				next if $h->{type} != 5;

				$body .= $h->{content};

				# mark the end-of-stream indication
				$body .= "_eos" if $h->{clen} == 0;

			last if length($body) >= $len;

		return $body;
	$f->{http_end} = sub {
		local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';

		fastcgi_respond($client, $version, $id, <<EOF);
Status: 200 OK
Connection: close



		my $frames = $s->read(all => [{ sid => $sid, fin => 1 }]);
		my ($frame) = grep { $_->{type} eq "HEADERS" } @$frames;
		return $frame->{headers}->{':status'};
	return $f;

sub backend_read {
	my ($s, $timo) = @_;
	my $buf = '';

	if (IO::Select->new($s)->can_read($timo || 8)) {
		$s->sysread($buf, 16384) or return;
	return $buf;

sub log2i { Test::Nginx::log_core('|| <<', @_); }
sub log2o { Test::Nginx::log_core('|| >>', @_); }
sub log2c { Test::Nginx::log_core('||', @_); }
