view ssl_verify_depth.t @ 1994:e9235c647f45

Tests: better binary path handling on Windows. The ".exe" extension is no longer required, and testing is allowed if it is omitted. Additionally, forward slashes in the binary path are automatically replaced with reverse slashes, since CMD cannot properly handle relative paths with forward slashes, and such paths previously resulted in various issues, including non-working $t->has() and $t->has_version(). In particular, with these changes the default binary path, which is "../nginx/objs/nginx", works properly, and testing can be done without any additional options.
author Maxim Dounin <>
date Fri, 09 Aug 2024 05:18:51 +0300
parents 0b5ec15c62ed
line wrap: on
line source


# (C) Sergey Kandaurov
# (C) Nginx, Inc.

# Tests for http ssl module, ssl_verify_depth.


use warnings;
use strict;

use Test::More;

BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }

use lib 'lib';
use Test::Nginx;


select STDERR; $| = 1;
select STDOUT; $| = 1;

my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/http http_ssl socket_ssl/)

plan(skip_all => 'LibreSSL') if $t->has_module('LibreSSL');

$t->plan(9)->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');


daemon off;

events {

http {

    ssl_certificate localhost.crt;
    ssl_certificate_key localhost.key;

    ssl_verify_client on;
    ssl_client_certificate root-int.crt;

    add_header X-Client $ssl_client_s_dn always;
    add_header X-Verify $ssl_client_verify always;

    server {
        listen ssl;
        server_name  localhost;
        ssl_verify_depth 0;

    server {
        listen ssl;
        server_name  localhost;
        ssl_verify_depth 1;

    server {
        listen ssl;
        server_name  localhost;
        ssl_verify_depth 2;


my $d = $t->testdir();

$t->write_file('openssl.conf', <<EOF);
[ req ]
default_bits = 2048
encrypt_key = no
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
x509_extensions = myca_extensions
[ req_distinguished_name ]
[ myca_extensions ]
basicConstraints = critical,CA:TRUE

$t->write_file('ca.conf', <<EOF);
[ ca ]
default_ca = myca

[ myca ]
new_certs_dir = $d
database = $d/certindex
default_md = sha256
policy = myca_policy
serial = $d/certserial
default_days = 1
x509_extensions = myca_extensions

[ myca_policy ]
commonName = supplied

[ myca_extensions ]
basicConstraints = critical,CA:TRUE

foreach my $name ('root', 'localhost') {
	system('openssl req -x509 -new '
		. "-config $d/openssl.conf -subj /CN=$name/ "
		. "-out $d/$name.crt -keyout $d/$name.key "
		. ">>$d/openssl.out 2>&1") == 0
		or die "Can't create certificate for $name: $!\n";

foreach my $name ('int', 'end') {
	system("openssl req -new "
		. "-config $d/openssl.conf -subj /CN=$name/ "
		. "-out $d/$name.csr -keyout $d/$name.key "
		. ">>$d/openssl.out 2>&1") == 0
		or die "Can't create certificate for $name: $!\n";

$t->write_file('certserial', '1000');
$t->write_file('certindex', '');

system("openssl ca -batch -config $d/ca.conf "
	. "-keyfile $d/root.key -cert $d/root.crt "
	. "-subj /CN=int/ -in $d/int.csr -out $d/int.crt "
	. ">>$d/openssl.out 2>&1") == 0
	or die "Can't sign certificate for int: $!\n";

system("openssl ca -batch -config $d/ca.conf "
	. "-keyfile $d/int.key -cert $d/int.crt "
	. "-subj /CN=end/ -in $d/end.csr -out $d/end.crt "
	. ">>$d/openssl.out 2>&1") == 0
	or die "Can't sign certificate for end: $!\n";

$t->write_file('root-int.crt', $t->read_file('root.crt')
	. $t->read_file('int.crt'));

$t->write_file('t', '');


# with verify depth 0, only self-signed certificates should
# be allowed

# OpenSSL 1.1.0+ instead limits the number of intermediate certs allowed;
# as a result, it is not possible to limit certificate checking
# to self-signed certificates only when using OpenSSL 1.1.0+

like(get(8080, 'root'), qr/SUCCESS/, 'verify depth 0 - root');
like(get(8080, 'int'),  qr/FAI|SUC/, 'verify depth 0 - no int');
like(get(8080, 'end'),  qr/FAILED/,  'verify depth 0 - no end');

# with verify depth 1 (the default), one signature is
# expected to be checked, so certificates directly signed
# by the root cert are allowed, but nothing more

# OpenSSL 1.1.0+ instead limits the number of intermediate certs allowed;
# so with depth 1 it is possible to validate not only directly signed
# certificates, but also chains with one intermediate certificate

like(get(8081, 'root'), qr/SUCCESS/, 'verify depth 1 - root');
like(get(8081, 'int'),  qr/SUCCESS/, 'verify depth 1 - int');
like(get(8081, 'end'),  qr/FAI|SUC/, 'verify depth 1 - no end');

# with verify depth 2 it is also possible to validate up to two signatures,
# so chains with one intermediate certificate are allowed

like(get(8082, 'root'), qr/SUCCESS/, 'verify depth 2 - root');
like(get(8082, 'int'),  qr/SUCCESS/, 'verify depth 2 - int');
like(get(8082, 'end'),  qr/SUCCESS/, 'verify depth 2 - end');


sub get {
	my ($port, $cert) = @_;
		PeerAddr => '' . port($port),
		SSL => 1,
		SSL_cert_file => "$d/$cert.crt",
		SSL_key_file => "$d/$cert.key"
