view geoip.t @ 1263:ea3c7659b6c1

Tests: handled early pidfile write on win32 in the run() routine. In addition to the present waiting for pidfile, which is insufficient on win32 due to the CreateProcess model, and may lead to rare startup races, search now for the certain error message which indicates started worker process. This change allows tolerating moderate hiccups on win32 hosts.
author Sergey Kandaurov <>
date Tue, 19 Dec 2017 19:55:01 +0300
parents cf14cfe9ec8c
line wrap: on
line source


# (C) Andrey Zelenkov
# (C) Nginx, Inc.

# Tests for geoip module.


use warnings;
use strict;

use Test::More;

BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }

use lib 'lib';
use Test::Nginx;


select STDERR; $| = 1;
select STDOUT; $| = 1;

my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/http http_geoip/)
	->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');


daemon off;

events {

http {


    geoip_country  %%TESTDIR%%/country.dat;
    geoip_city     %%TESTDIR%%/city.dat;
    geoip_org      %%TESTDIR%%/org.dat;

    server {
        server_name  localhost;

        location / {
            add_header X-Country-Code      $geoip_country_code;
            add_header X-Country-Code3     $geoip_country_code3;
            add_header X-Country-Name      $geoip_country_name;

            add_header X-Area-Code         $geoip_area_code;
            add_header X-C-Continent-Code  $geoip_city_continent_code;
            add_header X-C-Country-Code    $geoip_city_country_code;
            add_header X-C-Country-Code3   $geoip_city_country_code3;
            add_header X-C-Country-Name    $geoip_city_country_name;
            add_header X-Dma-Code          $geoip_dma_code;
            add_header X-Latitude          $geoip_latitude;
            add_header X-Longitude         $geoip_longitude;
            add_header X-Region            $geoip_region;
            add_header X-Region-Name       $geoip_region_name;
            add_header X-City              $geoip_city;
            add_header X-Postal-Code       $geoip_postal_code;

            add_header X-Org               $geoip_org;


my $d = $t->testdir();

# country database:
# "","","RU","Russian Federation"
# "2001:db8::","2001:db8::","US","United States"

my $data = '';

for my $i (0 .. 156) {
	# skip to offset 32 if 1st bit set in ipv6 address wins
	$data .= pack_node($i + 1) . pack_node(32), next if $i == 2;
	# otherwise default to RU
	$data .= pack_node(0xffffb9) . pack_node(0xffff00), next if $i == 31;
	# continue checking bits set in ipv6 address
	$data .= pack_node(0xffff00) . pack_node($i + 1), next
		if grep $_ == $i, (44, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57);
	# last bit set in ipv6 address
	$data .= pack_node(0xffffe1) . pack_node(0xffff00), next if $i == 156;
	$data .= pack_node($i + 1) . pack_node(0xffff00);

$data .= chr(0x00) x 3;
$data .= chr(0xFF) x 3;
$data .= chr(12);

$t->write_file('country.dat', $data);

# city database:
# "167772161","167772161","RU","48","Moscow","119034","55.7543",37.6202",,

$data = '';

for my $i (0 .. 31) {
	$data .= pack_node(32) . pack_node($i + 1), next if $i == 4 or $i == 6;
	$data .= pack_node(32) . pack_node($i + 2), next if $i == 31;
	$data .= pack_node($i + 1) . pack_node(32);

$data .= chr(42);
$data .= chr(185);
$data .= pack('Z*', 48);
$data .= pack('Z*', 'Moscow');
$data .= pack('Z*', 119034);
$data .= pack_node(int((55.7543 + 180) * 10000));
$data .= pack_node(int((37.6202 + 180) * 10000));
$data .= chr(0) x 3;
$data .= chr(0xFF) x 3;
$data .= chr(2);
$data .= pack_node(32);

$t->write_file('city.dat', $data);

# organization database:
# "167772161","167772161","Nginx"

$data = '';

for my $i (0 .. 31) {
	$data .= pack_org(32) . pack_org($i + 1), next if $i == 4 or $i == 6;
	$data .= pack_org(32) . pack_org($i + 2), next if $i == 31;
	$data .= pack_org($i + 1) . pack_org(32);

$data .= chr(42);
$data .= pack('Z*', 'Nginx');
$data .= chr(0xFF) x 3;
$data .= chr(5);
$data .= pack_node(32);

$t->write_file('org.dat', $data);
$t->write_file('index.html', '');
$t->try_run('no inet6 support')->plan(20);


my $r = http_xff('');
like($r, qr/X-Country-Code: RU/, 'geoip country code');
like($r, qr/X-Country-Code3: RUS/, 'geoip country code 3');
like($r, qr/X-Country-Name: Russian Federation/, 'geoip country name');

like($r, qr/X-Area-Code: 0/, 'geoip area code');
like($r, qr/X-C-Continent-Code: EU/, 'geoip city continent code');
like($r, qr/X-C-Country-Code: RU/, 'geoip city country code');
like($r, qr/X-C-Country-Code3: RUS/, 'geoip city country code 3');
like($r, qr/X-C-Country-Name: Russian Federation/, 'geoip city country name');
like($r, qr/X-Dma-Code: 0/, 'geoip dma code');
like($r, qr/X-Latitude: 55.7543/, 'geoip latitude');
like($r, qr/X-Longitude: 37.6202/, 'geoip longitude');
like($r, qr/X-Region: 48/, 'geoip region');
like($r, qr/X-Region-Name: Moscow City/, 'geoip region name');
like($r, qr/X-City: Moscow/, 'geoip city');
like($r, qr/X-Postal-Code: 119034/, 'geoip postal code');

like($r, qr/X-Org: Nginx/, 'geoip org');

like(http_xff('::ffff:'), qr/X-Org: Nginx/, 'geoip ipv6 ipv4-mapped');

$r = http_xff('2001:db8::');
like($r, qr/X-Country-Code: US/, 'geoip ipv6 country code');
like($r, qr/X-Country-Code3: USA/, 'geoip ipv6 country code 3');
like($r, qr/X-Country-Name: United States/, 'geoip ipv6 country name');


sub http_xff {
	my ($xff) = @_;
	return http(<<EOF);
GET / HTTP/1.0
Host: localhost
X-Forwarded-For: $xff


sub pack_node {
	substr pack('V', shift), 0, 3;

sub pack_org {
	pack('V', shift);
