view ssl.t @ 1905:f35824e75b66

Tests: fixed reading QUIC streams on Perl < 5.24. The parse_stream() routine has had a missing explicit return if there were no streams received. In Perl < 5.24 this used to return no value, or an empty array in the list context. In modern Perl this returns an empty value, or an array of 1 element, which made the check for last index of the returned array work rather by accident. The fix is to return explicitly and to check the array size in callers instead.
author Sergey Kandaurov <>
date Tue, 06 Jun 2023 18:50:07 +0400
parents a797d7428fa5
children 0b5ec15c62ed
line wrap: on
line source


# (C) Sergey Kandaurov
# (C) Andrey Zelenkov
# (C) Nginx, Inc.

# Tests for http ssl module.


use warnings;
use strict;

use Test::More;

use Socket qw/ CRLF /;
use IO::Select;

BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }

use lib 'lib';
use Test::Nginx;


select STDERR; $| = 1;
select STDOUT; $| = 1;

my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/http http_ssl rewrite proxy socket_ssl/)

$t->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');


daemon off;

events {

http {

    ssl_certificate_key localhost.key;
    ssl_certificate localhost.crt;

    log_format ssl $ssl_protocol;

    server {
        listen ssl;
        server_name  localhost;

        ssl_certificate_key inner.key;
        ssl_certificate inner.crt;
        ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:1m;
        ssl_session_tickets on;
        ssl_verify_client optional_no_ca;

        keepalive_requests 1000;

        location / {
            return 200 "body $ssl_session_reused";
        location /id {
            return 200 "body $ssl_session_id";
        location /cipher {
            return 200 "body $ssl_cipher";
        location /ciphers {
            return 200 "body $ssl_ciphers";
        location /client_verify {
            return 200 "body $ssl_client_verify";
        location /protocol {
            return 200 "body $ssl_protocol";
        location /issuer {
            return 200 "body $ssl_client_i_dn:$ssl_client_i_dn_legacy";
        location /subject {
            return 200 "body $ssl_client_s_dn:$ssl_client_s_dn_legacy";
        location /time {
            return 200 "body $ssl_client_v_start!$ssl_client_v_end!$ssl_client_v_remain";

        location /body {
            add_header X-Body $request_body always;

            access_log %%TESTDIR%%/ssl.log ssl;

    server {
        listen ssl;
        server_name  localhost;

        ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:1m;
        ssl_session_tickets on;
        ssl_session_timeout 1;

        location / {
            return 200 "body $ssl_session_reused";


$t->write_file('openssl.conf', <<EOF);
[ req ]
default_bits = 2048
encrypt_key = no
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
[ req_distinguished_name ]

my $d = $t->testdir();

$t->write_file('ca.conf', <<EOF);
[ ca ]
default_ca = myca

[ myca ]
new_certs_dir = $d
database = $d/certindex
default_md = sha256
policy = myca_policy
serial = $d/certserial
default_days = 3

[ myca_policy ]
commonName = supplied

$t->write_file('certserial', '1000');
$t->write_file('certindex', '');

system('openssl req -x509 -new '
	. "-config $d/openssl.conf -subj /CN=issuer/ "
	. "-out $d/issuer.crt -keyout $d/issuer.key "
	. ">>$d/openssl.out 2>&1") == 0
	or die "Can't create certificate for issuer: $!\n";

system("openssl req -new "
	. "-config $d/openssl.conf -subj /CN=subject/ "
	. "-out $d/subject.csr -keyout $d/subject.key "
	. ">>$d/openssl.out 2>&1") == 0
	or die "Can't create certificate for subject: $!\n";

system("openssl ca -batch -config $d/ca.conf "
	. "-keyfile $d/issuer.key -cert $d/issuer.crt "
	. "-subj /CN=subject/ -in $d/subject.csr -out $d/subject.crt "
	. ">>$d/openssl.out 2>&1") == 0
	or die "Can't sign certificate for subject: $!\n";

foreach my $name ('localhost', 'inner') {
	system('openssl req -x509 -new '
		. "-config $d/openssl.conf -subj /CN=$name/ "
		. "-out $d/$name.crt -keyout $d/$name.key "
		. ">>$d/openssl.out 2>&1") == 0
		or die "Can't create certificate for $name: $!\n";



# ssl session reuse

my $ctx = get_ssl_context();

like(get('/', 8085, $ctx), qr/^body \.$/m, 'session');

local $TODO = 'no TLSv1.3 sessions, old Net::SSLeay'
	if $Net::SSLeay::VERSION < 1.88 && test_tls13();
local $TODO = 'no TLSv1.3 sessions, old IO::Socket::SSL'
	if $IO::Socket::SSL::VERSION < 2.061 && test_tls13();
local $TODO = 'no TLSv1.3 sessions in LibreSSL'
	if $t->has_module('LibreSSL') && test_tls13();

like(get('/', 8085, $ctx), qr/^body r$/m, 'session reused');


# ssl certificate inheritance

my $s = get_ssl_socket(8086);
like($s->dump_peer_certificate(), qr/CN=localhost/, 'CN');

$s = get_ssl_socket(8085);
like($s->dump_peer_certificate(), qr/CN=inner/, 'CN inner');

# session timeout

$ctx = get_ssl_context();

get('/', 8086, $ctx);
select undef, undef, undef, 2.1;

like(get('/', 8086, $ctx), qr/^body \.$/m, 'session timeout');

# embedded variables

$ctx = get_ssl_context();
like(get('/id', 8085, $ctx), qr/^body (\w{64})?$/m, 'session id');

local $TODO = 'no TLSv1.3 sessions in LibreSSL'
	if $t->has_module('LibreSSL') && test_tls13();
local $TODO = 'no TLSv1.3 sessions ids in BoringSSL'
	if $t->has_module('BoringSSL') && test_tls13();

like(get('/id', 8085, $ctx), qr/^body \w{64}$/m, 'session id reused');


unlike(http_get('/id'), qr/body \w/, 'session id no ssl');

like(get('/cipher', 8085), qr/^body [\w-]+$/m, 'cipher');

skip 'BoringSSL', 1 if $t->has_module('BoringSSL');

like(get('/ciphers', 8085), qr/^body [:\w-]+$/m, 'ciphers');


like(get('/client_verify', 8085), qr/^body NONE$/m, 'client verify');
like(get('/protocol', 8085), qr/^body (TLS|SSL)v(\d|\.)+$/m, 'protocol');
like(cert('/issuer', 8085), qr!^body CN=issuer:/CN=issuer$!m, 'issuer');
like(cert('/subject', 8085), qr!^body CN=subject:/CN=subject$!m, 'subject');
like(cert('/time', 8085), qr/^body [:\s\w]+![:\s\w]+![23]$/m, 'time');

# c->read->ready handling bug in ngx_ssl_recv(), triggered with chunked body

like(get_body('/body', '0123456789', 20, 5), qr/X-Body: (0123456789){100}/,
	'request body chunked');

# pipelined requests

$s = get_ssl_socket(8085);
my $req = <<EOF;
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost


$req x= 1000;

my $r = http($req, socket => $s) || "";
$s = undef;
is(() = $r =~ /(200 OK)/g, 1000, 'pipelined requests');

# OpenSSL 3.0 error "unexpected eof while reading" seen as a critical error

ok(get_ssl_socket(8085), 'ssl unexpected eof');

# close_notify is sent before lingering close

is(get_ssl_shutdown(8085), 1, 'ssl shutdown on lingering close');


like($t->read_file('ssl.log'), qr/^(TLS|SSL)v(\d|\.)+$/m,
	'log ssl variable on lingering close');

like(`grep -F '[crit]' ${\($t->testdir())}/error.log`, qr/^$/s, 'no crit');


sub test_tls13 {
	return get('/protocol', 8085) =~ /TLSv1.3/;

sub get {
	my ($uri, $port, $ctx, %extra) = @_;
	my $s = get_ssl_socket($port, $ctx, %extra) or return;
	return http_get($uri, socket => $s);

sub get_body {
	my ($uri, $body, $len, $n) = @_;
	my $s = get_ssl_socket(8085) or return;
	http("GET /body HTTP/1.1" . CRLF
		. "Host: localhost" . CRLF
		. "Connection: close" . CRLF
		. "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" . CRLF . CRLF,
		socket => $s, start => 1);
	my $chs = unpack("H*", pack("C", length($body) * $len));
	http($chs . CRLF . $body x $len . CRLF, socket => $s, start => 1)
		for 1 .. $n;
	my $r = http("0" . CRLF . CRLF, socket => $s);
	return $r;

sub cert {
	my ($uri, $port) = @_;
	return get(
		$uri, $port, undef,
		SSL_cert_file => "$d/subject.crt",
		SSL_key_file => "$d/subject.key"

sub get_ssl_context {
	return IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_Context->new(
		SSL_verify_mode => IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_NONE(),
		SSL_session_cache_size => 100

sub get_ssl_socket {
	my ($port, $ctx, %extra) = @_;
	return http(
		'', PeerAddr => '' . port($port), start => 1,
		SSL => 1,
		SSL_reuse_ctx => $ctx,

sub get_ssl_shutdown {
	my ($port) = @_;

	my $s = http(
		'GET /' . CRLF . 'extra',
		PeerAddr => '' . port($port), start => 1,
		SSL => 1

	while (IO::Select->new($s)->can_read(8)) {
                my $n = $s->sysread(my $buf, 16384);
                next if !defined $n && $!{EWOULDBLOCK};

	return $s->stop_SSL();
