view error_log.t @ 1999:15f538440a77 default tip

Tests: adjusted proxy_cache_use_stale.t cache validity. At least the "s-w-r - updating stale" test sometimes fails on slow hosts due to "stale-while-revalidate=4" being not enough, so the request returns with the EXPIRED cache status instead of STALE. Fix is to use larger "stale-while-revalidate=" times where it is not significant.
author Maxim Dounin <>
date Fri, 09 Aug 2024 18:37:25 +0300
parents 38f1fd9ca3e6
line wrap: on
line source


# (C) Nginx, Inc.

# Tests for error_log.
# Various log levels emitted with limit_req_log_level.


use warnings;
use strict;

use Test::More;

BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }

use lib 'lib';
use Test::Nginx;


select STDERR; $| = 1;
select STDOUT; $| = 1;

plan(skip_all => 'win32') if $^O eq 'MSWin32';

my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/http limit_req/)
	->plan(25)->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');


daemon off;

events {

http {

    limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=one:1m rate=1r/m;
    limit_req zone=one;

    server {
        server_name  localhost;

        location /debug {
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_debug_debug.log debug;
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_debug_info.log info;
            error_log stderr debug;
        location /info {
            limit_req_log_level info;
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_info_debug.log debug;
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_info_info.log info;
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_info_notice.log notice;
            error_log stderr info;
        location /notice {
            limit_req_log_level notice;
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_notice_info.log info;
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_notice_notice.log notice;
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_notice_warn.log warn;
            error_log stderr notice;
        location /warn {
            limit_req_log_level warn;
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_warn_notice.log notice;
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_warn_warn.log warn;
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_warn_error.log error;
            error_log stderr warn;
        location /error {
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_error_warn.log warn;
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_error_error.log;
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_error_alert.log alert;
            error_log stderr;

        location /file_low {
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_multi_low.log warn;
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_multi_low.log;
        location /file_dup {
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_multi.log;
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_multi.log;
        location /file_high {
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_multi_high.log emerg;
            error_log %%TESTDIR%%/e_multi_high.log;

        location /stderr_low {
            error_log stderr warn;
            error_log stderr;
        location /stderr_dup {
            error_log stderr;
            error_log stderr;
        location /stderr_high {
            error_log stderr emerg;
            error_log stderr;


open OLDERR, ">&", \*STDERR;
open STDERR, '>', $t->testdir() . '/stderr' or die "Can't reopen STDERR: $!";
open my $stderr, '<', $t->testdir() . '/stderr'
	or die "Can't open stderr file: $!";


open STDERR, ">&", \*OLDERR;


# charge limit_req



skip "no --with-debug", 3 unless $t->has_module('--with-debug');

isnt(lines($t, 'e_debug_debug.log', '[debug]'), 0, 'file debug debug');
is(lines($t, 'e_debug_info.log', '[debug]'), 0, 'file debug info');
isnt(lines($t, 'stderr', '[debug]'), 0, 'stderr debug');


is(lines($t, 'e_info_debug.log', '[info]'), 1, 'file info debug');
is(lines($t, 'e_info_info.log', '[info]'), 1, 'file info info');
is(lines($t, 'e_info_notice.log', '[info]'), 0, 'file info notice');
is(lines($t, 'stderr', '[info]'), 1, 'stderr info');

is(lines($t, 'e_notice_info.log', '[notice]'), 1, 'file notice info');
is(lines($t, 'e_notice_notice.log', '[notice]'), 1, 'file notice notice');
is(lines($t, 'e_notice_warn.log', '[notice]'), 0, 'file notice warn');
is(lines($t, 'stderr', '[notice]'), 1, 'stderr notice');

is(lines($t, 'e_warn_notice.log', '[warn]'), 1, 'file warn notice');
is(lines($t, 'e_warn_warn.log', '[warn]'), 1, 'file warn warn');
is(lines($t, 'e_warn_error.log', '[warn]'), 0, 'file warn error');
is(lines($t, 'stderr', '[warn]'), 1, 'stderr warn');

is(lines($t, 'e_error_warn.log', '[error]'), 1, 'file error warn');
is(lines($t, 'e_error_error.log', '[error]'), 1, 'file error error');
is(lines($t, 'e_error_alert.log', '[error]'), 0, 'file error alert');
is(lines($t, 'stderr', '[error]'), 1, 'stderr error');

# count log messages emitted with various error_log levels

is(lines($t, 'e_multi_low.log', '[error]'), 2, 'file low');

is(lines($t, 'e_multi.log', '[error]'), 2, 'file dup');

is(lines($t, 'e_multi_high.log', '[error]'), 1, 'file high');

is(lines($t, 'stderr', '[error]'), 2, 'stderr low');

is(lines($t, 'stderr', '[error]'), 2, 'stderr dup');

is(lines($t, 'stderr', '[error]'), 1, 'stderr high');


sub lines {
	my ($t, $file, $pattern) = @_;

	if ($file eq 'stderr') {
		my $value = map { $_ =~ /\Q$pattern\E/ } (<$stderr>);
		return $value;

	my $path = $t->testdir() . '/' . $file;
	open my $fh, '<', $path or return "$!";
	my $value = map { $_ =~ /\Q$pattern\E/ } (<$fh>);
	close $fh;
	return $value;
