authorVadim Gelfer <>
Wed, 19 Jul 2006 07:51:56 -0700
changeset 2638 8dadff054acf
parent 2637 fcfd46c4a27a (diff)
parent 2632 b1436559f1e9 (current diff)
child 2639 001703ec311d
--- a/contrib/vim/hgcommand.vim
+++ b/contrib/vim/hgcommand.vim
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ function! s:HGCreateCommandBuffer(cmd, c
   let hgCommand = s:HGGetOption("HGCommandHGExec", "hg") . " " . a:cmd
-  echomsg "DBG :".hgCommand
+  "echomsg "DBG :".hgCommand
   let hgOut = system(hgCommand)
   " HACK:  diff command does not return proper error codes
   if v:shell_error && a:cmdName != 'hgdiff'
@@ -315,18 +315,27 @@ endfunction
 function! s:HGGetStatusVars(revisionVar, branchVar, repositoryVar)
   let hgBufferCheck=s:HGCurrentBufferCheck()
+  "echomsg "DBG : in HGGetStatusVars"
   if hgBufferCheck == -1 
     return ""
   let fileName=bufname(hgBufferCheck)
-  let realFileName = fnamemodify(s:HGResolveLink(fileName), ':t')
-  let oldCwd=s:HGChangeToCurrentFileDir(fileName)
+  let fileNameWithoutLink=s:HGResolveLink(fileName)
+  let realFileName = fnamemodify(fileNameWithoutLink, ':t')
+  let oldCwd=s:HGChangeToCurrentFileDir(realFileName)
-     ""TODO
-    "if !filereadable('HG/Root')
-      "return ""
-    "endif
-    let hgCommand = s:HGGetOption("HGCommandHGExec", "hg") . " status -mardui " . fileName
+    let hgCommand = s:HGGetOption("HGCommandHGExec", "hg") . " root  " 
+    let roottext=system(hgCommand)
+    " Suppress ending null char ! Does it work in window ?
+    let roottext=substitute(roottext,'^.*/\([^/\n\r]*\)\n\_.*$','\1','')
+    if match(getcwd()."/".fileNameWithoutLink, roottext) == -1
+      return ""
+    endif
+    let returnExpression = ""
+    if a:repositoryVar != ""
+      let returnExpression=returnExpression . " | let " . a:repositoryVar . "='" . roottext . "'"
+    endif
+    let hgCommand = s:HGGetOption("HGCommandHGExec", "hg") . " status -mardui " . realFileName
     let statustext=system(hgCommand)
       return ""
@@ -339,32 +348,23 @@ function! s:HGGetStatusVars(revisionVar,
       let revision="DELETED"
     elseif match(statustext, '^[A]') >= 0 
       let revision="ADDED"
-    endif
+    else
+      " The file is tracked, we can try to get is revision number
+      let hgCommand = s:HGGetOption("HGCommandHGExec", "hg") . " parents -b  " 
+      let statustext=system(hgCommand)
+      if(v:shell_error)
+	  return ""
+      endif
+      let revision=substitute(statustext, '^changeset:\s*\(\d\+\):.*\_$\_.*$', '\1', "")
-    let hgCommand = s:HGGetOption("HGCommandHGExec", "hg") . " parents -b  " 
-    let statustext=system(hgCommand)
-    if(v:shell_error)
-        return ""
-    endif
-    if exists('revision')
-      let returnExpression = "let " . a:revisionVar . "='" . revision . "'"
-    else
-      let revision=substitute(statustext, '^changeset:\s*\(\d\+\):.*\_$\_.*$', '\1', "")
-      let returnExpression = "let " . a:revisionVar . "='" . revision . "'"
+      if a:branchVar != "" && match(statustext, '^\_.*\_^branch:') >= 0
+	let branch=substitute(statustext, '^\_.*\_^branch:\s*\(\S\+\)\n\_.*$', '\1', "")
+	let returnExpression=returnExpression . " | let " . a:branchVar . "='" . branch . "'"
+      endif
-    if a:branchVar != "" && match(statustext, '^\_.*\_^branch:') >= 0
-      let branch=substitute(statustext, '^\_.*\_^branch:\s*\(\S\+\)\n\_.*$', '\1', "")
-      let returnExpression=returnExpression . " | let " . a:branchVar . "='" . branch . "'"
+    if (exists('revision'))
+      let returnExpression = "let " . a:revisionVar . "='" . revision . "' " . returnExpression
-    if a:repositoryVar != ""
-      let hgCommand = s:HGGetOption("HGCommandHGExec", "hg") . " root  " 
-      let roottext=system(hgCommand)
-      let repository=substitute(roottext,'^.*/\([^/\n\r]*\)\n\_.*$','\1','')
-      let returnExpression=returnExpression . " | let " . a:repositoryVar . "='" . repository . "'"
-    endif
     return returnExpression
@@ -432,6 +432,11 @@ function! s:HGMarkOrigBufferForSetup(hgB
     if origBuffer != a:hgBuffer
       call setbufvar(origBuffer, "HGBufferSetup", 0)
+  else
+    "We are presumably in the original buffer
+    let b:HGBufferSetup = 0
+    "We do the setup now as now event will be triggered allowing it later.
+    call s:HGSetupBuffer()
   return a:hgBuffer
@@ -608,6 +613,7 @@ function! HGEnableBufferSetup()
   augroup HGCommandPlugin
     au BufEnter * call s:HGSetupBuffer()
+    au BufWritePost * call s:HGSetupBuffer()
     " Force resetting up buffer on external file change (HG update)
     au FileChangedShell * call s:HGSetupBuffer(1)
   augroup END
@@ -686,7 +692,7 @@ function! s:HGAnnotate(...)
   let resultBuffer=s:HGDoCommand('annotate -ndu -r ' . revision, 'hgannotate', revision) 
-  echomsg "DBG: ".resultBuffer
+  "echomsg "DBG: ".resultBuffer
   if resultBuffer !=  -1
     set filetype=HGAnnotate
@@ -754,8 +760,7 @@ function! s:HGCommit(...)
           \ ':call <SID>HGFinishCommit("' . messageFileName . '",' .
           \                             '"' . newCwd . '",' .
           \                             '"' . realFileName . '",' .
-          \                             hgBufferCheck . ')<CR>'.
-          \ ':call <SID>HGBufferSetup(1)<CR>'
+          \                             hgBufferCheck . ')<CR>'
     silent 0put ='HG: ----------------------------------------------------------------------'
     silent put =\"HG: Enter Log.  Lines beginning with `HG:' are removed automatically\"
@@ -908,7 +913,6 @@ endfunction
 " Function: s:HGUpdate() {{{2
 function! s:HGUpdate()
   return s:HGMarkOrigBufferForSetup(s:HGDoCommand('update', 'update', ''))
-  call s:HGSetupBuffer(1)
 " Function: s:HGVimDiff(...) {{{2
@@ -1673,6 +1677,11 @@ 8. Known bugs						      *hgcommand-bugs
    may still be bugs in here, depending on many configuration details.
+9. TODO  						      *hgcommand-todo*
+   Integrate symlink tracking once HG will support them.
 === END_DOC
 " v im:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: