HGcommand.vim : the status was read for the wrong file as we changed the current directory before
author"Mathieu Clabaut <mathieu.clabaut@gmail.com>"
Wed, 19 Jul 2006 09:28:59 +0200
changeset 2637 fcfd46c4a27a
parent 2636 733fff9b23f7
child 2638 8dadff054acf
HGcommand.vim : the status was read for the wrong file as we changed the current directory before
--- a/contrib/vim/hgcommand.vim
+++ b/contrib/vim/hgcommand.vim
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ function! s:HGGetStatusVars(revisionVar,
   let fileName=bufname(hgBufferCheck)
   let fileNameWithoutLink=s:HGResolveLink(fileName)
   let realFileName = fnamemodify(fileNameWithoutLink, ':t')
-  let oldCwd=s:HGChangeToCurrentFileDir(fileName)
+  let oldCwd=s:HGChangeToCurrentFileDir(realFileName)
     let hgCommand = s:HGGetOption("HGCommandHGExec", "hg") . " root  " 
     let roottext=system(hgCommand)
@@ -332,14 +332,14 @@ function! s:HGGetStatusVars(revisionVar,
       return ""
     let returnExpression = ""
-    let hgCommand = s:HGGetOption("HGCommandHGExec", "hg") . " status -mardui " . fileName
+    if a:repositoryVar != ""
+      let returnExpression=returnExpression . " | let " . a:repositoryVar . "='" . roottext . "'"
+    endif
+    let hgCommand = s:HGGetOption("HGCommandHGExec", "hg") . " status -mardui " . realFileName
     let statustext=system(hgCommand)
       return ""
-    if a:repositoryVar != ""
-      let returnExpression=returnExpression . " | let " . a:repositoryVar . "='" . roottext . "'"
-    endif
     if match(statustext, '^[?I]') >= 0 
       let revision="NEW"
     elseif match(statustext, '^[R]') >= 0 
@@ -1677,6 +1677,11 @@ 8. Known bugs						      *hgcommand-bugs
    may still be bugs in here, depending on many configuration details.
+9. TODO  						      *hgcommand-todo*
+   Integrate symlink tracking once HG will support them.
 === END_DOC
 " v im:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: