view xsls/news.xsls @ 1009:135920b5c61d

Marked strings with entities in japanese translation as literal. This allows to preserve information and produce correct output if the XML parser expands entities on input. The markup is similar to english and russian versions of the document.
author Vladimir Homutov <>
date Mon, 11 Nov 2013 11:54:16 +0400
parents cd0d1f0130db
children fdf1464e1977
line wrap: on
line source

  Copyright (C) Igor Sysoev
  Copyright (C) Nginx, Inc.

X:stylesheet {

X:output method="html" version="4.0" indent="no" encoding="utf-8";

X:strip-space elements = "*";

  -- a current directory of a XSLT script is where the script is stored,
  -- but not where XSLT processor has been started to run the script
X:param XML = "'../xml'";
X:param YEAR;
X:param ORIGIN;
X:param TRANS;

X:var SITE = "''";
X:var LINK = "/news/@link";
X:var LANG = "/news/@lang";

X:include href = "dirname.xslt";
X:include href = "link.xslt";
X:include href = "style.xslt";
X:include href = "body.xslt";
X:include href = "menu.xslt";
X:include href = "ga.xslt";
X:include href = "content.xslt";

X:template = "/news" {

    <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml"
          title="{@name}" href="{$SITE}/index.rss" />

    <title> !{@name} X:if "$YEAR" { X:text{: } !{$YEAR} } </title>

    !style (lang="@lang")

    !ga ()


    !body (lang="@lang")


X:template = "event" {

    X:var year = { !{substring(../event[position()=1]/@date, 1, 4)} }
    X:var y = { !{substring(@date, 1, 4)} }

    X:if "position() = 1" {
        X:text disable-output-escaping="yes" {
            &lt;table class="news"&gt;

    X:if "(not($YEAR) and ($year = $y or position() &lt; 11)) or $YEAR=$y" {
        <td class="date">
            <a name="{@date}" /> !{@date}
        <td> !! "para"; </td>

    X:if "position() = last()" {
        X:text disable-output-escaping="yes" {
