view xml/en/docs/http/ngx_http_status_module.xml @ 1670:e28e4e0b8520

Revised http2 module translation.
author Ruslan Ermilov <>
date Thu, 31 Mar 2016 09:07:35 +0300
parents 69ff752dcb55
children 0c08e8861cfe
line wrap: on
line source

<?xml version="1.0"?>

  Copyright (C) Nginx, Inc.

<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "../../../../dtd/module.dtd">

<module name="Module ngx_http_status_module"

<section id="summary">

The <literal>ngx_http_status_module</literal> module provides
access to various status information.

This module is available as part of our
<commercial_version>commercial subscription</commercial_version>.


<section id="example" name="Example Configuration">

http {
    upstream <emphasis>backend</emphasis> {
        <emphasis>zone</emphasis> http_backend 64k;

        server weight=5;

    proxy_cache_path /data/nginx/cache_backend keys_zone=<emphasis>cache_backend</emphasis>:10m;

    server {

        location / {
            proxy_pass  http://backend;
            proxy_cache cache_backend;


        <emphasis>status_zone server_backend;</emphasis>

    server {

        location /upstream_conf {

        location /status {

        location = /status.html {

stream {
    upstream <emphasis>backend</emphasis> {
        <emphasis>zone</emphasis> stream_backend 64k;

        server weight=5;

    server {
        proxy_pass  backend;
        <emphasis>status_zone server_backend;</emphasis>

Examples of status requests with this configuration:

The simple monitoring page is shipped with this distribution,
accessible as “<literal>/status.html</literal>” in the default configuration.
It requires the locations “<literal>/status</literal>” and
“<literal>/status.html</literal>” to be configured as shown above.


<section id="directives" name="Directives">

<directive name="status">

The status information will be accessible from the surrounding location.
Access to this location should be
<link doc="ngx_http_core_module.xml" id="satisfy">limited</link>.


<directive name="status_format">
<syntax><literal>jsonp</literal> [<value>callback</value>]</syntax>

By default, status information is output in the JSON format.

Alternatively, data may be output as JSONP.
The <value>callback</value> parameter specifies the name of a callback function.
The value can contain variables.
If parameter is omitted, or the computed value is an empty string,
then “<literal>ngx_status_jsonp_callback</literal>” is used.


<directive name="status_zone">

Enables collection of virtual
<link doc="ngx_http_core_module.xml" id="server">http</link>
<link doc="../stream/ngx_stream_core_module.xml" id="server">stream</link>
(1.7.11) server status information in the specified <value>zone</value>.
Several servers may share the same zone.



<section id="data" name="Data">

The following status information is provided:
<list type="tag">

<tag-name id="version"><literal>version</literal></tag-name>
Version of the provided data set.
The current version is 6.

Version of nginx.

The address of the server that accepted status request.

<tag-name id="generation"><literal>generation</literal></tag-name>
The total number of configuration
<link doc="../control.xml" id="reconfiguration">reloads</link>.

<tag-name id="load_timestamp"><literal>load_timestamp</literal></tag-name>
Time of the last reload of configuration, in milliseconds since Epoch.

Current time in milliseconds since Epoch.

<tag-name id="pid"><literal>pid</literal></tag-name>
The ID of the worker process that handled status request.

<tag-name id="processes"><literal>processes</literal></tag-name>
<list type="tag">

<tag-name id="respawned"><literal>respawned</literal></tag-name>
The total number of abnormally terminated and respawned
child processes.


<list type="tag">

The total number of accepted client connections.

The total number of dropped client connections.

The current number of active client connections.

The current number of idle client connections.


<tag-name id="ssl"><literal>ssl</literal></tag-name>
<list type="tag">

The total number of successful SSL handshakes.

The total number of failed SSL handshakes.

The total number of session reuses during SSL handshake.


<list type="tag">

The total number of client requests.

The current number of client requests.


<tag-name id="server_zones"><literal>server_zones</literal></tag-name>
For each <link id="status_zone"/>:
<list type="tag">

The number of
client requests that are currently being processed.

The total number of
client requests received from clients.

<list type="tag">

The total number of
responses sent to clients.

The number of responses with status codes 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, and 5xx.


<tag-name id="discarded"><literal>discarded</literal></tag-name>
The total number of requests completed without sending a response.

The total number of bytes received from clients.

The total number of bytes sent to clients.


<tag-name id="upstreams"><literal>upstreams</literal></tag-name>
For each
<link doc="ngx_http_upstream_module.xml" id="zone">dynamically
<link doc="ngx_http_upstream_module.xml" id="upstream">group</link>,
the following data are provided:
<list type="tag">

<tag-name id="peers"><literal>peers</literal></tag-name>
For each
<link doc="ngx_http_upstream_module.xml" id="server"/>,
the following data are provided:
<list type="tag">

<tag-name id="id"><literal>id</literal></tag-name>
The ID of the server.

<link doc="ngx_http_upstream_module.xml" id="server">address</link>
of the server.

A boolean value indicating whether the server is a
<link doc="ngx_http_upstream_module.xml" id="backup"/>

<link doc="ngx_http_upstream_module.xml" id="weight">Weight</link>
of the server.

<tag-name id="state"><literal>state</literal></tag-name>
Current state, which may be one of

The current number of active connections.

<tag-name id="max_conns"><literal>max_conns</literal></tag-name>
The <link doc="ngx_http_upstream_module.xml" id="max_conns"/> limit
for the server.

The total number of
client requests forwarded to this server.

<list type="tag">

The total number of
responses obtained from this server.

The number of responses with status codes 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, and 5xx.


The total number of bytes sent to this server.

The total number of bytes received from this server.

The total number of
unsuccessful attempts to communicate with the server.

How many times
the server became unavailable for client requests
(state “<literal>unavail</literal>”)
due to the number of unsuccessful attempts reaching the
<link doc="ngx_http_upstream_module.xml" id="max_fails"/>

<list type="tag">

The total number of
<link doc="ngx_http_upstream_module.xml" id="health_check">health check</link>
requests made.

The number of failed health checks.

How many times
the server became unhealthy (state “<literal>unhealthy</literal>”).

Boolean indicating
if the last health check request was successful and passed
<link doc="ngx_http_upstream_module.xml" id="match">tests</link>.


Total time
the server was in the “<literal>unavail</literal>”
and “<literal>unhealthy</literal>” states.

The time (in milliseconds since Epoch)
when the server became
or “<literal>unhealthy</literal>”.

<tag-name id="selected"><literal>selected</literal></tag-name>
The time (in milliseconds since Epoch)
when the server was last selected to process a request (1.7.5).

<tag-name id="header_time"><literal>header_time</literal></tag-name>
The average time to get the
<link doc="ngx_http_upstream_module.xml" id="var_upstream_header_time">response
header</link> from the server (1.7.10).
The field is available when using the
<link doc="ngx_http_upstream_module.xml" id="least_time"/>
load balancing method.

<tag-name id="response_time"><literal>response_time</literal></tag-name>
The average time to get the
<link doc="ngx_http_upstream_module.xml" id="var_upstream_response_time">full
response</link> from the server (1.7.10).
The field is available when using the
<link doc="ngx_http_upstream_module.xml" id="least_time"/>
load balancing method.


The current number of
idle <link doc="ngx_http_upstream_module.xml" id="keepalive"/> connections.

<tag-name id="queue"><literal>queue</literal></tag-name>
For the requests <link doc="ngx_http_upstream_module.xml" id="queue"/>,
the following data are provided:
<list type="tag">

The current number of requests in the queue.

<tag-name id="max_size"><literal>max_size</literal></tag-name>
The maximum number of requests that can be in the queue at the same time.

The total number of requests rejected due to the queue overflow.



<tag-name id="caches"><literal>caches</literal></tag-name>
For each cache (configured by
<link doc="ngx_http_proxy_module.xml" id="proxy_cache_path"/> and the likes):
<list type="tag">

The current size of the cache.

The limit on the maximum size of the cache specified in the configuration.

A boolean value indicating whether the “cache loader” process is still loading
data from disk into the cache.

<list type="tag">

The total number of responses read from the cache (hits, or stale responses
due to <link doc="ngx_http_proxy_module.xml" id="proxy_cache_use_stale"/>
and the likes).

The total number of bytes read from the cache.


<list type="tag">

The total number of responses not taken from the cache (misses, expires, or
bypasses due to
<link doc="ngx_http_proxy_module.xml" id="proxy_cache_bypass"/>
and the likes).

The total number of bytes read from the proxied server.

The total number of responses written to the cache.

The total number of bytes written to the cache.



<tag-name id="stream"><literal>stream</literal></tag-name>

<list type="tag">
For each <link id="status_zone"/>:
<list type="tag">

The number of
client connections that are currently being processed.

The total number of
connections accepted from clients.

The total number of bytes received from clients.

The total number of bytes sent to clients.


For each
<link doc="../stream/ngx_stream_upstream_module.xml" id="zone">dynamically
<link doc="../stream/ngx_stream_upstream_module.xml" id="upstream">group</link>,
the following data are provided:
<list type="tag">

For each
<link doc="../stream/ngx_stream_upstream_module.xml" id="server"/>
the following data are provided:
<list type="tag">

The ID of the server.

<link doc="../stream/ngx_stream_upstream_module.xml" id="server">address</link>
of the server.

A boolean value indicating whether the server is a
<link doc="../stream/ngx_stream_upstream_module.xml" id="backup"/>

<link doc="../stream/ngx_stream_upstream_module.xml" id="weight">Weight</link>
of the server.

Current state, which may be one of

The current number of connections.

The total number of
client connections forwarded to this server.

The average time to connect to the upstream server.
The field is available when using the
<link doc="../stream/ngx_stream_upstream_module.xml" id="least_time"/>
load balancing method.

The average time to receive the first byte of data.
The field is available when using the
<link doc="../stream/ngx_stream_upstream_module.xml" id="least_time"/>
load balancing method.

The average time to receive the last byte of data.
The field is available when using the
<link doc="../stream/ngx_stream_upstream_module.xml" id="least_time"/>
load balancing method.

The total number of bytes sent to this server.

The total number of bytes received from this server.

The total number of
unsuccessful attempts to communicate with the server.

How many times
the server became unavailable for client connections
(state “<literal>unavail</literal>”)
due to the number of unsuccessful attempts reaching the
<link doc="../stream/ngx_stream_upstream_module.xml" id="max_fails"/>

<list type="tag">

The total number of
<link doc="../stream/ngx_stream_upstream_module.xml" id="health_check">health check</link>
requests made.

The number of failed health checks.

How many times
the server became unhealthy (state “<literal>unhealthy</literal>”).

Boolean indicating
if the last health check request was successful and passed
<link doc="../stream/ngx_stream_upstream_module.xml" id="match">tests</link>.


Total time
the server was in the “<literal>unavail</literal>”
and “<literal>unhealthy</literal>” states.

The time (in milliseconds since Epoch)
when the server became
or “<literal>unhealthy</literal>”.

The time (in milliseconds since Epoch)
when the server was last selected to process a connection.






<section id="compatibility" name="Compatibility">

<list type="bullet">

The <link id="ssl"/> status data
were added in <link id="version"/> 6.

<link id="discarded"/> field in
<link id="server_zones"/>
was added in <link id="version"/> 6.

The <link id="queue"/> status data
were added in <link id="version"/> 6.

<link id="pid"/> field
was added in <link id="version"/> 6.

The list of servers in <link id="upstreams"/>
was moved into <link id="peers"/> in
<link id="version"/> 6.

The <literal>keepalive</literal> field of an upstream server
was removed in <link id="version"/> 5.

The <link id="stream">stream</link> status data
were added in <link id="version"/> 5.

<link id="generation"/> field
was added in <link id="version"/> 5.

<link id="respawned"/> field in
<link id="processes"/>
was added in <link id="version"/> 5.

<link id="header_time"/> and <link id="response_time"/> fields in
<link id="upstreams"/>
were added in <link id="version"/> 5.

<link id="selected"/> field in
<link id="upstreams"/>
was added in <link id="version"/> 4.

The <link id="state">draining</link> state in
<link id="upstreams"/>
was added in <link id="version"/> 4.

<link id="id"/> and <link id="max_conns"/> fields in
<link id="upstreams"/>
were added in <link id="version"/> 3.

The <literal>revalidated</literal> field in
<link id="caches"/>
was added in <link id="version"/> 3.

The <link id="server_zones"/>, <link id="caches"/>,
and <link id="load_timestamp"/> status data
were added in <link id="version"/> 2.


