view src/http/ngx_http_copy_filter_module.c @ 7740:967cfa6e2ff8

Request body: removed error assumption (ticket #2058). Before introduction of request body filter in 42d9beeb22db, the only possible return code from the ngx_http_request_body_filter() call without actual buffers was NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, and the code in ngx_http_read_client_request_body() hardcoded the only possible error to simplify the code of initial call to set rb->rest. This is no longer true after introduction of request body filters though, as a request body filter might need to return other errors, such as 403. Fix is to preserve the error code actually returned by the call instead of assuming 500.
author Maxim Dounin <>
date Mon, 09 Nov 2020 22:41:54 +0300
parents ce37362a7a70
children 555533169506
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (C) Igor Sysoev
 * Copyright (C) Nginx, Inc.

#include <ngx_config.h>
#include <ngx_core.h>
#include <ngx_http.h>

typedef struct {
    ngx_bufs_t  bufs;
} ngx_http_copy_filter_conf_t;

static void ngx_http_copy_aio_handler(ngx_output_chain_ctx_t *ctx,
    ngx_file_t *file);
static void ngx_http_copy_aio_event_handler(ngx_event_t *ev);
static ssize_t ngx_http_copy_aio_sendfile_preload(ngx_buf_t *file);
static void ngx_http_copy_aio_sendfile_event_handler(ngx_event_t *ev);
static ngx_int_t ngx_http_copy_thread_handler(ngx_thread_task_t *task,
    ngx_file_t *file);
static void ngx_http_copy_thread_event_handler(ngx_event_t *ev);

static void *ngx_http_copy_filter_create_conf(ngx_conf_t *cf);
static char *ngx_http_copy_filter_merge_conf(ngx_conf_t *cf,
    void *parent, void *child);
static ngx_int_t ngx_http_copy_filter_init(ngx_conf_t *cf);

static ngx_command_t  ngx_http_copy_filter_commands[] = {

    { ngx_string("output_buffers"),
      offsetof(ngx_http_copy_filter_conf_t, bufs),
      NULL },


static ngx_http_module_t  ngx_http_copy_filter_module_ctx = {
    NULL,                                  /* preconfiguration */
    ngx_http_copy_filter_init,             /* postconfiguration */

    NULL,                                  /* create main configuration */
    NULL,                                  /* init main configuration */

    NULL,                                  /* create server configuration */
    NULL,                                  /* merge server configuration */

    ngx_http_copy_filter_create_conf,      /* create location configuration */
    ngx_http_copy_filter_merge_conf        /* merge location configuration */

ngx_module_t  ngx_http_copy_filter_module = {
    &ngx_http_copy_filter_module_ctx,      /* module context */
    ngx_http_copy_filter_commands,         /* module directives */
    NGX_HTTP_MODULE,                       /* module type */
    NULL,                                  /* init master */
    NULL,                                  /* init module */
    NULL,                                  /* init process */
    NULL,                                  /* init thread */
    NULL,                                  /* exit thread */
    NULL,                                  /* exit process */
    NULL,                                  /* exit master */

static ngx_http_output_body_filter_pt    ngx_http_next_body_filter;

static ngx_int_t
ngx_http_copy_filter(ngx_http_request_t *r, ngx_chain_t *in)
    ngx_int_t                     rc;
    ngx_connection_t             *c;
    ngx_output_chain_ctx_t       *ctx;
    ngx_http_core_loc_conf_t     *clcf;
    ngx_http_copy_filter_conf_t  *conf;

    c = r->connection;

    ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, c->log, 0,
                   "http copy filter: \"%V?%V\"", &r->uri, &r->args);

    ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_copy_filter_module);

    if (ctx == NULL) {
        ctx = ngx_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(ngx_output_chain_ctx_t));
        if (ctx == NULL) {
            return NGX_ERROR;

        ngx_http_set_ctx(r, ctx, ngx_http_copy_filter_module);

        conf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_http_copy_filter_module);
        clcf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_http_core_module);

        ctx->sendfile = c->sendfile;
        ctx->need_in_memory = r->main_filter_need_in_memory
                              || r->filter_need_in_memory;
        ctx->need_in_temp = r->filter_need_temporary;

        ctx->alignment = clcf->directio_alignment;

        ctx->pool = r->pool;
        ctx->bufs = conf->bufs;
        ctx->tag = (ngx_buf_tag_t) &ngx_http_copy_filter_module;

        ctx->output_filter = (ngx_output_chain_filter_pt)
        ctx->filter_ctx = r;

        if (ngx_file_aio && clcf->aio == NGX_HTTP_AIO_ON) {
            ctx->aio_handler = ngx_http_copy_aio_handler;
            ctx->aio_preload = ngx_http_copy_aio_sendfile_preload;

        if (clcf->aio == NGX_HTTP_AIO_THREADS) {
            ctx->thread_handler = ngx_http_copy_thread_handler;

        if (in && in->buf && ngx_buf_size(in->buf)) {
            r->request_output = 1;

    ctx->aio = r->aio;

    rc = ngx_output_chain(ctx, in);

    if (ctx->in == NULL) {
        r->buffered &= ~NGX_HTTP_COPY_BUFFERED;

    } else {
        r->buffered |= NGX_HTTP_COPY_BUFFERED;

    ngx_log_debug3(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, c->log, 0,
                   "http copy filter: %i \"%V?%V\"", rc, &r->uri, &r->args);

    return rc;


static void
ngx_http_copy_aio_handler(ngx_output_chain_ctx_t *ctx, ngx_file_t *file)
    ngx_http_request_t *r;

    r = ctx->filter_ctx;

    file->aio->data = r;
    file->aio->handler = ngx_http_copy_aio_event_handler;

    r->aio = 1;
    ctx->aio = 1;

static void
ngx_http_copy_aio_event_handler(ngx_event_t *ev)
    ngx_event_aio_t     *aio;
    ngx_connection_t    *c;
    ngx_http_request_t  *r;

    aio = ev->data;
    r = aio->data;
    c = r->connection;

    ngx_http_set_log_request(c->log, r);

    ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, c->log, 0,
                   "http aio: \"%V?%V\"", &r->uri, &r->args);

    r->aio = 0;




static ssize_t
ngx_http_copy_aio_sendfile_preload(ngx_buf_t *file)
    ssize_t                  n;
    static u_char            buf[1];
    ngx_event_aio_t         *aio;
    ngx_http_request_t      *r;
    ngx_output_chain_ctx_t  *ctx;

    n = ngx_file_aio_read(file->file, buf, 1, file->file_pos, NULL);

    if (n == NGX_AGAIN) {
        aio = file->file->aio;
        aio->handler = ngx_http_copy_aio_sendfile_event_handler;

        r = aio->data;
        r->aio = 1;

        ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_copy_filter_module);
        ctx->aio = 1;

    return n;

static void
ngx_http_copy_aio_sendfile_event_handler(ngx_event_t *ev)
    ngx_event_aio_t     *aio;
    ngx_http_request_t  *r;

    aio = ev->data;
    r = aio->data;

    r->aio = 0;
    ev->complete = 0;




static ngx_int_t
ngx_http_copy_thread_handler(ngx_thread_task_t *task, ngx_file_t *file)
    ngx_str_t                  name;
    ngx_thread_pool_t         *tp;
    ngx_http_request_t        *r;
    ngx_output_chain_ctx_t    *ctx;
    ngx_http_core_loc_conf_t  *clcf;

    r = file->thread_ctx;

    clcf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_http_core_module);
    tp = clcf->thread_pool;

    if (tp == NULL) {
        if (ngx_http_complex_value(r, clcf->thread_pool_value, &name)
            != NGX_OK)
            return NGX_ERROR;

        tp = ngx_thread_pool_get((ngx_cycle_t *) ngx_cycle, &name);

        if (tp == NULL) {
            ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0,
                          "thread pool \"%V\" not found", &name);
            return NGX_ERROR;

    task-> = r;
    task->event.handler = ngx_http_copy_thread_event_handler;

    if (ngx_thread_task_post(tp, task) != NGX_OK) {
        return NGX_ERROR;

    r->aio = 1;

    ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_copy_filter_module);
    ctx->aio = 1;

    return NGX_OK;

static void
ngx_http_copy_thread_event_handler(ngx_event_t *ev)
    ngx_connection_t    *c;
    ngx_http_request_t  *r;

    r = ev->data;
    c = r->connection;

    ngx_http_set_log_request(c->log, r);

    ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, c->log, 0,
                   "http thread: \"%V?%V\"", &r->uri, &r->args);

    r->aio = 0;

    if (r->done) {
         * trigger connection event handler if the subrequest was
         * already finalized; this can happen if the handler is used
         * for sendfile() in threads


    } else {


static void *
ngx_http_copy_filter_create_conf(ngx_conf_t *cf)
    ngx_http_copy_filter_conf_t *conf;

    conf = ngx_palloc(cf->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_copy_filter_conf_t));
    if (conf == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    conf->bufs.num = 0;

    return conf;

static char *
ngx_http_copy_filter_merge_conf(ngx_conf_t *cf, void *parent, void *child)
    ngx_http_copy_filter_conf_t *prev = parent;
    ngx_http_copy_filter_conf_t *conf = child;

    ngx_conf_merge_bufs_value(conf->bufs, prev->bufs, 2, 32768);

    return NULL;

static ngx_int_t
ngx_http_copy_filter_init(ngx_conf_t *cf)
    ngx_http_next_body_filter = ngx_http_top_body_filter;
    ngx_http_top_body_filter = ngx_http_copy_filter;

    return NGX_OK;