view src/http/ngx_http_copy_filter_module.c @ 9263:388a801e9bb9 default tip

Request body: discarded body now treated as no body. Notably, proxying of such requests now uses no Content-Length instead of "Content-Length: 0", and the $content_length variable is empty (instead of "0"). This might be beneficial from correctness point of view, since requests with discarded body, such as during processing of error pages, do not pretend there is a zero-length body, but instead do not contain body at all. For example, this might be important for PUT requests, where a zero-length body could be incorrectly interpreted as a real request body. This also slightly simplifies the code.
author Maxim Dounin <>
date Sat, 27 Apr 2024 18:23:52 +0300
parents 0de20f43db25
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (C) Igor Sysoev
 * Copyright (C) Nginx, Inc.

#include <ngx_config.h>
#include <ngx_core.h>
#include <ngx_http.h>

typedef struct {
    ngx_bufs_t  bufs;
} ngx_http_copy_filter_conf_t;

static void ngx_http_copy_aio_handler(ngx_output_chain_ctx_t *ctx,
    ngx_file_t *file);
static void ngx_http_copy_aio_event_handler(ngx_event_t *ev);
static ngx_int_t ngx_http_copy_thread_handler(ngx_thread_task_t *task,
    ngx_file_t *file);
static void ngx_http_copy_thread_event_handler(ngx_event_t *ev);

static void *ngx_http_copy_filter_create_conf(ngx_conf_t *cf);
static char *ngx_http_copy_filter_merge_conf(ngx_conf_t *cf,
    void *parent, void *child);
static ngx_int_t ngx_http_copy_filter_init(ngx_conf_t *cf);

static ngx_command_t  ngx_http_copy_filter_commands[] = {

    { ngx_string("output_buffers"),
      offsetof(ngx_http_copy_filter_conf_t, bufs),
      NULL },


static ngx_http_module_t  ngx_http_copy_filter_module_ctx = {
    NULL,                                  /* preconfiguration */
    ngx_http_copy_filter_init,             /* postconfiguration */

    NULL,                                  /* create main configuration */
    NULL,                                  /* init main configuration */

    NULL,                                  /* create server configuration */
    NULL,                                  /* merge server configuration */

    ngx_http_copy_filter_create_conf,      /* create location configuration */
    ngx_http_copy_filter_merge_conf        /* merge location configuration */

ngx_module_t  ngx_http_copy_filter_module = {
    &ngx_http_copy_filter_module_ctx,      /* module context */
    ngx_http_copy_filter_commands,         /* module directives */
    NGX_HTTP_MODULE,                       /* module type */
    NULL,                                  /* init master */
    NULL,                                  /* init module */
    NULL,                                  /* init process */
    NULL,                                  /* init thread */
    NULL,                                  /* exit thread */
    NULL,                                  /* exit process */
    NULL,                                  /* exit master */

static ngx_http_output_body_filter_pt    ngx_http_next_body_filter;

static ngx_int_t
ngx_http_copy_filter(ngx_http_request_t *r, ngx_chain_t *in)
    ngx_int_t                     rc;
    ngx_connection_t             *c;
    ngx_output_chain_ctx_t       *ctx;
    ngx_http_core_loc_conf_t     *clcf;
    ngx_http_copy_filter_conf_t  *conf;

    c = r->connection;

    ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, c->log, 0,
                   "http copy filter: \"%V?%V\"", &r->uri, &r->args);

    ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_copy_filter_module);

    if (ctx == NULL) {
        ctx = ngx_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(ngx_output_chain_ctx_t));
        if (ctx == NULL) {
            return NGX_ERROR;

        ngx_http_set_ctx(r, ctx, ngx_http_copy_filter_module);

        conf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_http_copy_filter_module);
        clcf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_http_core_module);

        ctx->sendfile = c->sendfile;
        ctx->need_in_memory = r->main_filter_need_in_memory
                              || r->filter_need_in_memory;
        ctx->need_in_temp = r->filter_need_temporary;

        ctx->alignment = clcf->directio_alignment;

        ctx->pool = r->pool;
        ctx->bufs = conf->bufs;
        ctx->tag = (ngx_buf_tag_t) &ngx_http_copy_filter_module;

        ctx->output_filter = (ngx_output_chain_filter_pt)
        ctx->filter_ctx = r;

        if (ngx_file_aio && clcf->aio == NGX_HTTP_AIO_ON) {
            ctx->aio_handler = ngx_http_copy_aio_handler;

        if (clcf->aio == NGX_HTTP_AIO_THREADS) {
            ctx->thread_handler = ngx_http_copy_thread_handler;

        if (in && in->buf && ngx_buf_size(in->buf)) {
            r->request_output = 1;

    ctx->aio = r->aio;

    rc = ngx_output_chain(ctx, in);

    if (ctx->in == NULL) {
        r->buffered &= ~NGX_HTTP_COPY_BUFFERED;

    } else {
        r->buffered |= NGX_HTTP_COPY_BUFFERED;

    ngx_log_debug3(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, c->log, 0,
                   "http copy filter: %i \"%V?%V\"", rc, &r->uri, &r->args);

    return rc;


static void
ngx_http_copy_aio_handler(ngx_output_chain_ctx_t *ctx, ngx_file_t *file)
    ngx_http_request_t *r;

    r = ctx->filter_ctx;

    file->aio->data = r;
    file->aio->handler = ngx_http_copy_aio_event_handler;

    ngx_add_timer(&file->aio->event, 60000);

    r->aio = 1;
    ctx->aio = 1;

static void
ngx_http_copy_aio_event_handler(ngx_event_t *ev)
    ngx_event_aio_t     *aio;
    ngx_connection_t    *c;
    ngx_http_request_t  *r;

    aio = ev->data;
    r = aio->data;
    c = r->connection;

    ngx_http_set_log_request(c->log, r);

    ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, c->log, 0,
                   "http aio: \"%V?%V\"", &r->uri, &r->args);

    if (ev->timedout) {
        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ALERT, c->log, 0,
                      "aio operation took too long");
        ev->timedout = 0;

    if (ev->timer_set) {

    r->aio = 0;

    if (r->main->terminated) {
         * trigger connection event handler if the request was
         * terminated


    } else {



static ngx_int_t
ngx_http_copy_thread_handler(ngx_thread_task_t *task, ngx_file_t *file)
    ngx_str_t                  name;
    ngx_connection_t          *c;
    ngx_thread_pool_t         *tp;
    ngx_http_request_t        *r;
    ngx_output_chain_ctx_t    *ctx;
    ngx_http_core_loc_conf_t  *clcf;

    r = file->thread_ctx;

    if (r->aio) {
         * tolerate sendfile() calls if another operation is already
         * running; this can happen due to subrequests, multiple calls
         * of the next body filter from a filter, or in HTTP/2 due to
         * a write event on the main connection

        c = r->connection;

#if (NGX_HTTP_V2)
        if (r->stream) {
            c = r->stream->connection->connection;

        if (task == c->sendfile_task) {
            return NGX_OK;

    clcf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_http_core_module);
    tp = clcf->thread_pool;

    if (tp == NULL) {
        if (ngx_http_complex_value(r, clcf->thread_pool_value, &name)
            != NGX_OK)
            return NGX_ERROR;

        tp = ngx_thread_pool_get((ngx_cycle_t *) ngx_cycle, &name);

        if (tp == NULL) {
            ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0,
                          "thread pool \"%V\" not found", &name);
            return NGX_ERROR;

    task-> = r;
    task->event.handler = ngx_http_copy_thread_event_handler;

    if (ngx_thread_task_post(tp, task) != NGX_OK) {
        return NGX_ERROR;

    ngx_add_timer(&task->event, 60000);

    r->aio = 1;

    ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_copy_filter_module);
    ctx->aio = 1;

    return NGX_OK;

static void
ngx_http_copy_thread_event_handler(ngx_event_t *ev)
    ngx_connection_t    *c;
    ngx_http_request_t  *r;

    r = ev->data;
    c = r->connection;

    ngx_http_set_log_request(c->log, r);

    ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, c->log, 0,
                   "http thread: \"%V?%V\"", &r->uri, &r->args);

    if (ev->timedout) {
        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ALERT, c->log, 0,
                      "thread operation took too long");
        ev->timedout = 0;

    if (ev->timer_set) {

    r->aio = 0;

#if (NGX_HTTP_V2)

    if (r->stream) {
         * for HTTP/2, update write event to make sure processing will
         * reach the main connection to handle sendfile() in threads

        c->write->ready = 1;
        c->write->active = 0;


    if (r->done || r->main->terminated) {
         * trigger connection event handler if the subrequest was
         * already finalized (this can happen if the handler is used
         * for sendfile() in threads), or if the request was terminated


    } else {


static void *
ngx_http_copy_filter_create_conf(ngx_conf_t *cf)
    ngx_http_copy_filter_conf_t *conf;

    conf = ngx_palloc(cf->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_copy_filter_conf_t));
    if (conf == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    conf->bufs.num = 0;

    return conf;

static char *
ngx_http_copy_filter_merge_conf(ngx_conf_t *cf, void *parent, void *child)
    ngx_http_copy_filter_conf_t *prev = parent;
    ngx_http_copy_filter_conf_t *conf = child;

    ngx_conf_merge_bufs_value(conf->bufs, prev->bufs, 2, 32768);

    return NULL;

static ngx_int_t
ngx_http_copy_filter_init(ngx_conf_t *cf)
    ngx_http_next_body_filter = ngx_http_top_body_filter;
    ngx_http_top_body_filter = ngx_http_copy_filter;

    return NGX_OK;